Thursday, May 19, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #41

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

  1. What is one of the things you always do special when your husband returns from a deployment? submitted by Keep Calm and Soldier On

    Well A.J. has only been deployed once sense we have been together, but that time our family got together and we went out to eat.

  2. What do you do to help your spouse and/or yourself re-adjust after a deployment or long separation? submitted by Diapers, Dogs and Deployments

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Last time when he came back we just fell right back into our routine like he hadn't left. I let you know after this up coming deployment how it goes.

  3. Are you a crazy coupon clipper (I’m becoming one, so share your secrets with me)? submitted by Married My Airman

    No I'm not. I'm really interested in becoming one though.

  4. What’s your most treasured memory of you and your spouse (not counting your wedding – that’s a given)? submitted by Scrubs, ACUs and One Crazy Ride

    We had been only going out like 2 or 3 months and ,I don't remember how but, I was looking at the ring his mom handed down to him and he just said "Keep it. Its going to be your anyway". He knew then, only knowing me a few months that he wanted to marry me. *sigh* I love him so much.

  5. If you could live anywhere overseas, what would you pick and why? submitted by Little Moments Like This

    Ether Germany or Italy because both of them I will be able to travel all around Europe. Germany because I have a friend from there and she has told me about it and I hear they are really friendly. Italy because there are so many great places to visit in Italy and PASTA. lol


  1. Pasta would be an extremely tasty bonus of a tour in Italy. So much delicious food! :-)

  2. Yes it would be!! I would just be afraid that I would gain a ton of weight. lol
