Friday, July 8, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #48

I haven't done one of these in a while so i thought I would do one. I haven't really done anything in a while, sorry I'm such a bum.

  1. Does your Significant Other read your blog? Why is this a good or a bad thing? submitted byMrs. Alana’s Miscellany

    He knows I have a blog but as far as I know he doesn't read it. I don't really think its a good or bad thing if he does or doesn't read my blog.

  2. What is one item in your house that holds the most sentimental value and why? submitted by The Albrecht Squad

    I think i would have to say my computer because it has all my pictures on it.

  3. When it comes to water fun in the summer do you prefer the beach, the pool, a lake, or the sprinklers? submitted by The Turvo Times

    I absolutely LOVE to swim so anything I can swim in.

  4. What is the one special thing that you do for yourself to get you through the first week of a deployment/separation? submitted by A Creed and a Psalm

    I actually don't remember what I did the first week A.J. deployed last time, but this deployment I think I'm gonna keep myself as busy as possible. Go to school, hang out with friends, maybe shop.

  5. What is your biggest guilty pleasure website? submitted by Christine’s Little Blog

    Hhhhmmm I actually don't go to many websites but I would have to say people and you tube.